Sunday, 18 October 2015

Approximately 5,000 Miles

On Tuesday, at 8pm US time, Fable opens in New York.

Fable exists because we bumped in to a man in a pub in a tiny village on the edge of Scotland. Fable has been made between that village, a town on the other side of Scotland, a village in North Yorkshire, a festival in Suffolk, a month in Edinburgh, a week in London and now here - in NYC. The show has been made across nearly 5,000 miles, an incredible bunch of artists and a whole host of you - audiences, supporters, friends.

We are so proud to be associated with all those people and all those places. And we're proud that all those miles and conversations have led us here.

Thank You.

And we have one more favour to ask. If you know anyone in or around New York, or know someone who knows someone then please share this with them. The show details are here -

- and use the ticket code 'Flanagan' to get $10 off your tickets.

Share far and share wide.

We hope we'll see you there, friends!

The Flanagans

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